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Дата стварэння
28 ліп 2022 г.
Апошні перагляд
9 каст 2023 г.
Syn. 'Centaurea cyanus'.
It is native to Europe and the Middle East.
Possible weed!
Edible plant - young shoots and flowers raw or cooked; an edible blue dye is obtained from the flowers, used for colouring sugar and confections.
Herbal plant - the dried flowers are antipruritic, antitussive, astringent, weakly diuretic, emmenagogue, ophthalmic, very mildly purgative, and tonic; an infusion can be used in the treatment of dropsy, constipation, or as a mouthwash for ulcers and bleeding gums; the seeds are used as a mild laxative for children, a decoction of the leaves is antirheumatic.
Useful plant - a blue ink and a dye is obtained from the petals mixed with alum-water, the dye gives a nice colour to linen, but it is transient.