Usersnnaomi walkernaomi walker
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2 groups
This group only accepts observations within a given area. 373
English Flora
Ever wonder what the plants you walk by in England actually are? Then join this group, make contributions where you can, let's all learn a little bit more about the beautiful plants this country have to offer!
8,779 1,753
This group provides a map of observations. 2534
Medicinal plants, Herbs, foraging for wild edibles, practice in the field
Daily practice in the field, botany college/grade 11 (and up) identification of medicinal plants, herbs, increase foraging skills for wild edibles, differentiating similar looking plants, foraging in the different seasons. Craft of plants for culinary uses: oils,sugars, salts, jams,jellies, pickles, preserves.Bushcraft, Wildcraft, homesteading, to home gardening.
4,826 2,286