UsersVValentina JalšovecValentina Jalšovec
The International Flora
Considering the current situation on planet Earth, where more and more plant species are endangered and many of them are in the process of complete disappearance, this group was created with the aim of collecting as many pictures as possible of plant species around the world. The main goal is to point out the large amount of biodiversity, which we should all strive to preserve. Feel free to post your pictures and contribute to the beauty of this group. All new members are welcome! 🌱🌳🌲🌹🌺🌷
Wild Plants of Western Europe
Let’s share pictures of the wild flowers, trees, ferns and grasses of Western Europe.
Medicinal plants, Herbs, foraging for wild edibles, practice in the field
Daily practice in the field, botany college/grade 11 (and up) identification of medicinal plants, herbs, increase foraging skills for wild edibles, differentiating similar looking plants, foraging in the different seasons. Craft of plants for culinary uses: oils,sugars, salts, jams,jellies, pickles, preserves.Bushcraft, Wildcraft, homesteading, to home gardening.
ROSES ONLY 🌹 只供玫瑰使用
Can anyone describe the beauty of rose created by Mother Nature? Can anyone describe the scent of rose created by Mother Nature? Hardly!? But we can indulge in pleasure of contemplating beauty and variety of the Rose! Може ли някой да опише красотата на розата създадена от Майката Природа. Може ли някой да опише аромата на розата създадена от Майката Природа. Едва ли!? Но можем да се отдадем на удоволствието да съзерцаваме красотата и разнообразието на розата!
Baranja's wild side🌾
All wild flowers,bushes,grasses,sedges and trees from the wilderness of Baranja county(Croatia & Hungary). Plants can be found next to the road,on the (abandoned) fields,forest pathways,hills and by the river plains.🏞 🌾🌻🌼🌸🍀🌿🌳
Seaside & Coastal 🏖🌊
Great memories from seaside vacations! Herbs🌿, trees🌴, flowers🌺 & cacti🌵 - any plantlife, as long as it's found near the sea! 🏖🌅🌊
Petits et grands crus, vignes et vignobles du monde.🍇Grapevines
Vignes à vin et raisin de table, vignobles. Vinegrapes, for table grape or vine, vineyards