UsersMMelitta DuncanMelitta Duncan
🌻🦋🌱🍄 Native SW Missouri Wild Flowers/ Weeds 🙂 🌾🍀🌸🌺🐞🐝
Missouri is home to MANY wonderful editable, medicinal plants. And beautiful wild flowers. And, what are called weeds, by many. Therefore, are typically overlooked as an important part of our community. And, the future of abundant medicinal healing they provide. More, and more, I'm seeing huge areas, where many varieties of medicinal plants are being destroyed. With no thought of what is growing there. It's really hard for me to see this. I've been collecting as many different types of plant seeds, from those I can access. , And, would encourage everyone to, if it resonates.. Because, natures gifts are being destroyed. Less, and less found. Even in their natural habitats. I want our future generations to have the beauty, medicines, and healthy foods that are all around us. If we just get outside the urban areas, even a little bit. Some are abundant, in populated places! But the gems you'll find outside there.. is amazing for now. Let's work to preserve them. 🐝🌻 🙂
South Central USA
Arkansas and surrounding states