صارفینLLili FloraleLili Florale
Genuine wild plants 🌏
A group for wild plants from around the world. Cultivated plants, even in botanical gardens, are not accepted. Plants must be geolocated, and the geolocation must be public. If possible, more than one photo per plant, with different organs. Publish only a few photos (don't publish all your plants at once) and try to do so after checking outside Plantnet. Yes, I know, it's restrictive 😆!
Plants cooperate with...
This group is intended to gather observations exhibiting cooperation among plants and animals, mainly arthropoda - not only insects. The bees are the first but not unique to cooperate with plants. The flowers are also not the only part which be of animal's interest! Recognition of arthropoda is strongly welcome although is not necessary. Also every explanation clarifying this cooperation will be appreciated. Please publish observations satisfying these intentions. Welcome and have a lot of... benefits! Friends, does anyone have photos of tiny hummingbirds taking nectar from flowers? Many thanks to all colleagues for the wonderful collection of observations!
Seaside & Coastal 🏖🌊
Great memories from seaside vacations! Herbs🌿, trees🌴, flowers🌺 & cacti🌵 - any plantlife, as long as it's found near the sea! 🏖🌅🌊
Plants of the dunes
Hello. In this group, all plants growing on dunes, beaches... are allowed (please respect this condition). Some of these plants are not well known and others are protected. So I created this group to learn about them and to protect them.
Riconoscimento in Italia 🌿
Gruppo pubblico per il riconoscimento botanico in Italia, dove condividere le proprie osservazioni! :)
🇮🇹 Piante Spontanee presenti sul territorio ITALIANO
Questo progetto è dedicato all'osservazione, identificazione e studio della vegetazione categorizzata come SPONTANEA, ossia piante, alberi, arbusti o fiori che crescono in maniera naturale e diffusa sul territorio Italiano e mediterraneo. Attenzione: le osservazioni riguardanti specie riconoscibili come non autoctone (e di conseguenza non classificabili come "Spontanee") potrebbero venire rimosse.
Cactus and succulents 🌵
A group interested in cacti and succulents only
Perennial Lovers 🔃💚🔁
A collections of plants known to be perennials (plants that come back year after year) 🌷🌹🌵🌿🍁 Please join and share known perennials. All are welcome 😃
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Pink flowers of world 💐 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
🌳🪵🌱🌹Plantes du monde🌹🌱🪵🌳
Mettez toutes les plantes 🌱 que vous voulez et amusez-vous ! Pour tous les pays. Put on all the plants 🌱 you want and have fun! For all countries.
Les plantes peuvent être de toutes sortent et vous pouvez Mettre les plantes que vous aimez bien et choisissez les plus belles que vous avez (comme plantes)
Plants from every inch of the 🌎 world.
We 🙏 welcome you all.
🌼Les Fleuristes🌼
Découvrons les végétaux en tout genres qui peuplent notre cosmos ! N’hésitez pas à enrichir les connaissances des autres sur certaines identifications. De belles photos seront attendus pour le bien de tous.. enfaite faites juste découvrir ce que vous avez par chez vous🍀 Groupe toujours actif: printemps 2024🌸 (Géolocalisation désactivé pour votre vie privé)
Anyone who loves nature’s beauty
Anyone who has plants and loves taking walks to see nature
Ornamental plants from all over the world. Bright colours and beautiful pictures! 🌷
Uniquement les belles phographies de fleurs et de plantes : belle composition, belle lumière, images nettes. Si ne répondent pas à ces critères minimums les photos seront refusées. Merci de votre compréhension. Et bienvenue. Only beautiful photographs of flowers and plants: beautiful composition, beautiful light, sharp images. If the photos do not meet these minimum criteria they will be refused. Thank you for your understanding. And welcome.