Anna LL.Anna LL.

Catalunya - Catalonia
Flora i vegetació de Catalunya.

Genuine wild plants 🌏
A group for wild plants from around the world. Cultivated plants, even in botanical gardens, are not accepted. Plants must be geolocated, and the geolocation must be public. If possible, more than one photo per plant, with different organs. Publish only a few photos (don't publish all your plants at once) and try to do so after checking outside Plantnet. Yes, I know, it's restrictive 😆!
🥑 Seeds&Fruits 🥑
MEMBERS WHO HAVE NEVER SHARED OSSERVATIONS WILL BE DELETED Fruits and seeds from all the flora of the world. Frutos y semillas de toda la flora del mundo. Fruits et graines de toute la flore du monde. Früchte und Samen aus der gesamten Flora der Welt. Fruta dhe fara nga e gjithë flora e botës. الفواكه والبذور من جميع النباتات في العالم. 世界上所有植物嘅果實同種子。 세계의 모든 식물의 과일과 씨앗. 世界中のあらゆる植物の果実と種子。 विश्व के सभी पौधों के फल और बीज। د نړۍ له ټولو نباتاتو څخه میوې او تخمونه. Дэлхийн бүх ургамлын жимс, үр. ਦੁਨੀਆ ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਪੌਦਿਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਫਲ ਅਤੇ ਬੀਜ। פירות וזרעים מכל הצמחים בעולם. Fruktoj kaj semoj de ĉiuj plantoj en la mondo. Mga prutas at buto mula sa lahat ng halaman sa mundo. Frutas e sementes de todas as plantas do mundo

World of ferns 🌿
For all passionate admirers of ferns around the world 🌿 Feel free to share, discuss and peer-review all corresponding observations 🤗