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21 aug 2022
Senast uppdaterad
9 okt 2023
Wola Błędowa, near Bratoszewice
The spider cocoon is under seeds!
Native to temperate Northern Hemisphere.
Edible plant - young shoots raw.
Herbal plant - the pith of the stem is antiphlogistic, depurative, discutient, diuretic, febrifuge, lenitive, lithontripic, pectoral and sedative, it is used in the treatment of sore throats, jaundice, oedema, acute urinary tract infection and morbid crying of babies.
Useful plant - stems are used in basket making, thatching, weaving mats; a fibre obtained from the stems is used for making paper; the whole plant was formerly used as a strewing herb, especially in Middle Ages.
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Grupper (14)