Poisonous Plants ☠️🌿 411

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Poisonous and toxic plants from around the World. Dear members, dear plant fans! In order to avoid misunderstandings, I would like to clarify that most of the results uploaded here are about poisonous plants. However, in order to avoid misunderstandings, I would like to clarify that there are also poisonous species in addition to these, and this group does not provide a complete summary of all poisonous plants that exist. Please, if you do not see a plant species in the group, do not think that it is not poisonous! https://identify.plantnet.org/en/groups/39767385107/

Dear members, dear plant fans! In order to avoid misunderstandings, I would like to clarify that most of the results uploaded here are about poisonous plants. However, in order to avoid misunderstandings, I would like to clarify that there are also poisonous species in addition to these, and this group does not provide a complete summary of all poisonous plants that exist. Please, if you do not see a plant species in the group, do not think that it is not poisonous! https://identify.plantnet.org/en/groups/39767385107/

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Jonatán Kreszta
Jonatán KresztaAdministrátor - Zakladateľ skupiny
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