Platanthera hyperborea (L.) Lindl.52 41 Observations

Northern green orchid, Northern Bog Orchid, Leafy Northern Green Orchid, Northern Green Bog Orchid
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Leaf
Platanthera hyperborea Habit
Platanthera hyperborea (L.) Lindl.
Subarctic America
Platanthera hyperborea (L.) Lindl.
Common name(s)
  • Northern green orchid
  • Northern Bog Orchid
  • Leafy Northern Green Orchid
  • Northern Green Bog Orchid
IUCN Red List
Least Concern
Population trend: Unknown

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Geolocated (public data) 4

Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower

Geolocated (private data) 6

Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower

Not geolocated 29

Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower
Platanthera hyperborea Flower