We Love Plants! ❤️🧡💛 The world of flora. Study of plants. Planty-twenty.🌺❤️🌺
Let’s develop our group together! 🌺😊🙂😜 Creator - WildBird_Sky 🪶🦅 Indoor and wild plants. A large number of views and photos. Plants of the world. Enter the group and study the plants with interesting photos. Share your photos. Plunge headlong into the world of amazing plants! Join the group — become one of us! Needs members! 🙋♀️🌿🌺🌱🌲 PlantPlanet Plants from tropical, temperate and Arctic zones. Flowers (and not only) of North, South and Central America, Africa, Australia, Eurasia and island countries. Everyone Welcome! 😀😊🤗☺️
Piante spontanee della Toscana
Per noi che amiamo la flora spontanea della nostra meravigliosa regione.
Piante che piacciono a cocotte
Backup per salvare piante che mi interessano
Monti Pisani (Tuscany, Italy)
Wild Flora in the area of the Monti pisani in Tuscany (sud Florence)
Orchidee selvatiche toscane
Un raccolta delle orchidee terricole selvatiche toscane, per gli appassionati.