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Létrehozás dátuma
2022. máj. 3.
Utoljára átnézve
2023. okt. 9.
Bratoszewice, Park Szkoły
Synonym 'Salix lasiandra'.
Not native to Poland, but widely spread! Ornamental plant, meet mainly in parks or botanical gardens.
Edible plants - the inner bark can be eaten fresh or it can be dried, ground into a powder and then added to cereal flour for use in making bread, as famine food.
Herbal plant - the bark is analgesic, antiasthmatic, astringent and haemostatic, it is used in the treatment of bleeding and asthma; a poultice of the bark has been applied to the head to allay the pain of headaches; an infusion of the leaves is used as an analgesic in the treatment of headaches.