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2022. szept. 4.
Utoljára átnézve
2024. máj. 20.
Poisonous plant, which killed Socrates...
Native to Europe and western Asia; naturalized in North America.
Edible plant - leaves cooked, although toxic, plants found in the south of England are comparatively harmless and the leaves are used as a pot-herb.
Herbal plant - the whole plant is analgesic, antispasmodic, emetic, galactofuge and sedative; it is a traditional folk treatment for cancer and was formerly widely used internally in very small doses to treat a variety of complaints including tumours, epilepsy, whooping cough, rabies and as an antidote to strychnine poisoning; poisonous plant(!); have to be used with caution(!); a homeopathic remedy is prepared from a tincture of the fresh plant, harvested when in flower.