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Pl@ntNet é unha ferramenta que contribúe a identificar plantas mediante imaxes. Organízase en floras de distinta temática e área xeográfica. Pode elixir embaixo unha que achame os seus intereses na listaxe. A «Flora Mundial» ofrece un catálogo maior de plantas, aínda que de menor precisión có das floras localizadas.

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Regional floras
Pl@ntNet regional floras are based on WCVP. Govaerts R (ed.). 2022. The World Checklist of Vascular Plants (WCVP). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [accessed 27 October 2022]

Plantas Recursivas
Plantas de cultivo e de ornamento
5.441 especiesExplore the species of this flora 9.309.402 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora

Malas Herbas
Herbas daniñas nos campos de agricultura europeos
1.426 especiesExplore the species of this flora 4.862.925 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora

Plantas Invasoras
Especies invasoras que ameazan potencialmente medios de subsistencia e o medio ambiente no mundo enteiro
1.086 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.834.107 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora

Plantas Recursivas da África Tropical
Recursos Vexetais da África Tropical
2.235 especiesExplore the species of this flora 945.119 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora

Plantas Recursivas de Asia
Recursos Vexetais do Sudeste Asiático
2.124 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.919.062 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Ecoloxistas de l'Euzière
Ecoloxistas de l'Euzière
245 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.020.290 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
A Provenza, Francia
Flora Provenzal Dep. Bouches-du-Rhône
2.200 especiesExplore the species of this flora 7.435.943 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Lewa en Kenya
Reserva da Conservación do Medio Salvaxe de Lewa
848 especiesExplore the species of this flora 468.287 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Plantas do Parque Nacional de Ordesa
141 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.124.565 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Flora do Parque Nacional de Cévennes
2.393 especiesExplore the species of this flora 8.066.705 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Árbores Ornamentais Mediterráneas
Árbores e arbustos para as cidades e os xardíns arredor do Mar Mediterráneo
230 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.749.473 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Colleitas Europeas
Cultivos de Europa
219 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.284.170 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Trees of Europe
Trees and scrubs species observed in Europe
594 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.330.824 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Biótopos da Lagosta do Deserto na África Occidental
Florula dos biótopos da Lagosta do Deserto en África do Oeste
237 especiesExplore the species of this flora 104.532 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Flore remarquable des Alpes-Maritimes
Flore patrimoniale des parcs naturels départementaux des Alpes-Maritimes
98 especiesExplore the species of this flora 750.010 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
ESALQ and Piracicaba trees
Trees and shrubs of ESALQ park and surrounding areas
561 especiesExplore the species of this flora 862.396 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
XPRIZE Rainforest semi-final
Tree flora of Singapore's forests
346 especiesExplore the species of this flora 17.156 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
XPRIZE Rainforest Final
Brazilian Amazon flora
4.403 especiesExplore the species of this flora 788.070 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
XPRIZE Rainforest Final - Trees
Tree flora of the Brazilian Amazon
2.479 especiesExplore the species of this flora 290.004 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Domaine Saint Jacques du Couloubrier
Flora of the Saint Jacques du Couloubrier estate
1.156 especiesExplore the species of this flora 3.001.608 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Weeds of sugarcane in Australia
Weeds found in sugarcane fields of Queensland and Northern New South Wales
327 especiesExplore the species of this flora 512.145 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Jardin du musée départemental Albert-Kahn
Jardin du musée départemental Albert-Kahn
180 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.444.459 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Guanacaste Conservation Area, Costa Rica
Plant species of the Guanacaste Conservation Area, Costa Rica
3.031 especiesExplore the species of this flora 730.210 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Gardens by the Bay
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora

101 especiesExplore the species of this flora 61.258 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora

81 especiesExplore the species of this flora 184.707 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Europa Setentrional
Plantas do Norte de Europa
3.603 especiesExplore the species of this flora 9.028.023 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Europa Central
Vexetación en Europa Central
4.931 especiesExplore the species of this flora 10.019.113 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Suroeste de Europa
Plantas de Europa Suroccidental
7.255 especiesExplore the species of this flora 11.240.262 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Sudeste de Europa
Vexetación no Sudeste Europeo
6.989 especiesExplore the species of this flora 11.279.691 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Leste de Europa
Vexetación de Europa Oriental
3.718 especiesExplore the species of this flora 8.565.799 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
África Setentrional
Plantas do Norte de África
4.368 especiesExplore the species of this flora 7.134.805 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
A Macaronesia
Plantas na Macaronesia
2.973 especiesExplore the species of this flora 5.746.413 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
África Tropical do Oeste
Plantas no occidente da África Tropical
5.903 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.725.196 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
África Tropical Central e Occidental
Vexetacións do centro e oeste da África Tropical
13.213 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.483.728 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Nordés da África Tropical
Plantas no nororiente da África Tropical
5.298 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.818.120 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
África Tropical do Leste
Plantas no Medio Tropical de África Oriental
7.087 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.906.649 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
África Tropical Meridional
Plantas no sur da África Tropical
7.191 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.195.925 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
África Meridional
Plantas do sur de África
5.849 especiesExplore the species of this flora 3.632.707 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Plantas polo Mesoatlántico
454 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.328.403 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Oeste do Índico
Vexetacións no Océano Índico occidental
11.133 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.767.176 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Vexetación na Siberia
1.898 especiesExplore the species of this flora 3.978.531 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Extremo Leste Ruso
Vexetacións do Punto Leste de Rusia
1.934 especiesExplore the species of this flora 3.707.556 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Asia Central
Vexetación en Asia Central
2.644 especiesExplore the species of this flora 6.011.538 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
O Cáucaso
As Plantas no Cáucaso
3.169 especiesExplore the species of this flora 6.879.192 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Asia do Oeste
Plantas do Occidente Asiático
5.528 especiesExplore the species of this flora 8.504.680 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Península Arábica
Plantas de Arabia
2.123 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.148.347 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Especies Vexetais na China
7.200 especiesExplore the species of this flora 5.794.795 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Plantas en Mongolia
1.083 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.667.909 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Leste de Asia
Plantas en Asia Oriental
4.591 especiesExplore the species of this flora 5.698.975 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Subcontinente Indio
Plantas no Subcontinente Indio
7.018 especiesExplore the species of this flora 6.076.769 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
A Indochina
Plantas Indochinesas
5.278 especiesExplore the species of this flora 3.563.724 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Vexetación malesia
4.532 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.447.954 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Plantas na Papuasia
2.134 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.102.382 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
A Vexetación en Australia
4.841 especiesExplore the species of this flora 5.592.083 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Nova Zelandia
Plantas en Nova Zelandia
1.701 especiesExplore the species of this flora 4.558.952 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Pacífico Suroeste
Plantas no suroccidente do Pacífico
3.713 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.898.380 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Pacífico Centro e Pacífico Sur
Plantas do centro e sur do Pacífico
1.135 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.856.684 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
O Noroeste do Pacífico
Vexetación do Pacífico Noroeste
1.245 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.707.270 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Pacífico Central e Pacífico Norte
Vexetación no centro e norte do Pacífico
1.420 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.380.683 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
América Subártica
Plantas na América Subártica
1.208 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.117.347 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Oeste do Canadá
Plantas polo oeste do Canadá
2.469 especiesExplore the species of this flora 4.418.915 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Leste do Canadá
Vexetación no Oriente do Canadá
2.636 especiesExplore the species of this flora 5.985.791 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Estados Unidos do Noroeste
Plantas do noroeste dos Estados Unidos de América
3.879 especiesExplore the species of this flora 5.947.205 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Estados Unidos do Norte e o Centro
Vexetación nos estados do norte e o centro dos EUA
3.798 especiesExplore the species of this flora 6.601.195 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Estados Unidos do Nordés
Plantas no nordés dos Estados Unidos de América
3.909 especiesExplore the species of this flora 7.971.603 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Estados Unidos do Suroeste
Plantas do suroeste dos Estados Unidos de América
5.451 especiesExplore the species of this flora 6.058.612 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Estados Unidos do Centro e o Sur
Vexetación do centro e sur dos EUA
4.195 especiesExplore the species of this flora 4.421.230 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Estados Unidos do Sudeste
Plantas do sudeste dos Estados Unidos de América
5.187 especiesExplore the species of this flora 7.644.223 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Plantas en México
7.940 especiesExplore the species of this flora 4.239.026 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Plantas de América Central
7.494 especiesExplore the species of this flora 3.581.086 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
O Caribe
Vexetación Caribeña
5.161 especiesExplore the species of this flora 4.283.183 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
O Norte de Sudamérica
Plantas da área setentrional de América do Sur
7.335 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.345.977 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
Oeste de Sudamérica
Plantas no occidente sudamericano
10.889 especiesExplore the species of this flora 4.564.980 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Información adicionalSee statistics about this flora
O Brasil
Plantas no Brasil
9.516 especiesExplore the species of this flora 2.801.478 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Sudamérica Meridional
Vexetacións do meridión sudamericano
5.632 especiesExplore the species of this flora 5.202.550 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
Illas Subantárticas
Plantas nas Illas Subantárticas
411 especiesExplore the species of this flora 1.736.325 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora
A Antártida
A Vexetación Antártica
2 especiesExplore the species of this flora 3.496 imaxesExplore the contributions of this flora
IdentificarIdentify a plant in this flora