Pliaj datumoj
Kreita dato
la 16-an de apr, 2023
Laste reviziita
la 9-an de okt, 2023
Bratoszewice, Park Szkoły
It is native to Europe.
Edible plant - young leaves cooked, a bitter taste; young stems cooked; seeds raw or cooked.
Herbal plant - leaves are often applied externally as a rustic remedy in the treatment of blisters, burns and scalds; the root contains tannin and is astringent and blood purifier, a tea made from the roots has been used in the treatment of jaundice, whooping cough, boils and bleeding; an infusion of the root has been used as a wash, especially for children, to treat skin eruptions; reportedly, the root has been used as a contraceptive to stop menstruation.
Useful plant - dark green to brown and dark grey dyes can be obtained from the roots of many species in this genus.