NutzerAAnnemarie Ahrens-StehleAnnemarie Ahrens-Stehle
Plant World 🗺
Plants of Earth 🪴 WELCOME!!!
🌲 Plants of Europe 🌻
All plants present in Europe. Welcome to all, and don't hesitate to share your observations in this group !
The plants near us! 🌿🌳🌺 City plants 🏙🌆🌃
Plants are almost everywhere, including near us! Plants of big and small cities and towns! 🌿 And this is a great reason to study them! Join me! ☺️🌱
Southern Plants
Plants of the south of the Eurasian continent. Europe, Russia, Asia. Vivid impressions from vacation, travel or hike! 🌿🌿🌿🌺🌺🌺 Everyone welcome! 😃🙂 Southern Plants🌳 & Northern Plants🌲
Genuine wild plants 🌏
A group for wild plants from around the world. Cultivated plants, even in botanical gardens, are not accepted. Plants must be geolocated, and the geolocation must be public. If possible, more than one photo per plant, with different organs. Publish only a few photos (don't publish all your plants at once) and try to do so after checking outside Plantnet. Yes, I know, it's restrictive 😆!
Blue, violet, dark blue, purple, magenta, lilac, nevy blue, dark magenta, black violet FLOWERS and plants
Cottage Garden Plants
Plants used in informal, whimsical ways, including old-fashioned flowers, edibles, and herbs. Wild plants, native and invasive welcome. Feel free to include weeds and how to recognize and deal with them as well. Everyone welcome!
Plants for all
Our aim is to photograph every plant on this planet. Just tell us if you want to become an administrator. (You have to be over 5,000 in rank) Sometimes, I (the owner) might invite people to this group. DO NOT cancel the invitation. Also, if your rank is over 2,000, you will automatically be an administrator Administrators can invite anyone. This is a private group.
We Love Plants! ❤️🧡💛 The world of flora. Study of plants. Planty-twenty.🌺❤️🌺
Let’s develop our group together! 🌺😊🙂😜 Creator - WildBird_Sky 🪶🦅 Indoor and wild plants. A large number of views and photos. Plants of the world. Enter the group and study the plants with interesting photos. Share your photos. Plunge headlong into the world of amazing plants! Join the group — become one of us! Needs members! 🙋♀️🌿🌺🌱🌲 PlantPlanet Plants from tropical, temperate and Arctic zones. Flowers (and not only) of North, South and Central America, Africa, Australia, Eurasia and island countries. Everyone Welcome! 😀😊🤗☺️
Any and all plants 🌿🌲🌼
Like the title says... Any and all plants, this is for people who really like botany or just want to learn about plants. Really like tree leaves and flower pics... Need Members 💛
BOTANICUM (World Flora of plants) 🌺🌍🌎🌏🌺
Group for any, and all, flora of the world! ☘️🌿🎋🌹
The International Flora
Considering the current situation on planet Earth, where more and more plant species are endangered and many of them are in the process of complete disappearance, this group was created with the aim of collecting as many pictures as possible of plant species around the world. The main goal is to point out the large amount of biodiversity, which we should all strive to preserve. Feel free to post your pictures and contribute to the beauty of this group. All new members are welcome! 🌱🌳🌲🌹🌺🌷
Plants Love ❤️🌿
❤️🌺🌿🌷🌳 Love 💕
Цветковые растения Европы и европейской части России. Делитесь яркими фотографиями и узнавайте много нового об удивительных растениях, которые обитают в Европе. 🌺🌺🌺
The Artist Eye of Fall and Spring
The time of the year when leaves fall and nature paints its leaves all sorts of color. While summer has beautiful flowers and green leaves and fall and spring offers mixed colors of leaves as they expose their bare branches. Get creativity and take some photos while using your artist’s talent and share some pictures that are so fine art inspired they could be hanging in a office building somewhere.
Pretty Flowers🌹🎶
🌺🌷🌼 A group for sharing great photos of stunning flowers! Roses, peonies, irises, orchids, bougainvilliers, all sorts! 💮🏵️🌻
🪴European Flora🌿
Anyone who lives in Europe is welcome to join. Plants from anywhere in Europe. Please don't hesitate to share a photo!
Maya petite curieuse, Fleurs, Arbustes, etc.
Une préférence pour les roses et les orchidée, mais dans la nature il y a beaucoup de trésors que l'on peut bouturer ou simplement récupérer les graines. Une vraie passion.