Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth
arsylwyd gan
Andrzej KonstantynowiczAndrzej Konstantynowicz
1 Mai 2014

Enw(au) cyffredin
Marchredynen Fenyw

Penderfyniad arfaethedig

Enw tebygol (Enw wedi'i gyflwyno)
Fabrice Rubio
Andrzej Konstantynowicz
Noah Fleury
KP Laer
alicia smn
Muhammad Irfan Mohmand
100%Sgôr hyder

Awgrymu penderfyniad arall

Nid ydych yn cytuno â'r rhywogaeth a awgrymir ond nid oes gennych unrhyw awgrym arall

Athyrium filix-femina Deilen
Data ychwanegol
Dyddiad crëwyd
19 Tach 2022
Diwygiwyd diwethaf
9 Hyd 2023
Łódź, Łagiewniki Forest
It is native to temperate Asia, Europe, North Africa, Canada and the USA. Ornamental plant. Edible plant - young shoots, harvested before they have fully unfolded, can be eaten cooked, they must not be eaten raw(!); rhizome peeled and slow-baked. Herbal plant - a tea of the boiled stems has been used to relieve labour pains, the young unfurled fronds have been eaten to treat internal ailments such as cancer of the womb; the roots are anthelmintic and diuretic, a tea of the boiled roots has been used to treat general body pains, to stop breast pains caused by childbirth and to induce milk flow in caked breasts; the dried powdered roots have been applied externally to heal sores; a liquid extract of the roots is an effective anthelmintic.