Prunus serotina Ehrh.
arsylwyd gan
Andrzej KonstantynowiczAndrzej Konstantynowicz
29 Mai 2010

Enw(au) cyffredin
Ceiriosen Hwyrddail

Penderfyniad arfaethedig

Enw tebygol (Enw wedi'i gyflwyno)
Ha Anna
Jim Ridley
Andrzej Konstantynowicz
Ahmed Ibrahim
100%Sgôr hyder

Awgrymu penderfyniad arall

Nid ydych yn cytuno â'r rhywogaeth a awgrymir ond nid oes gennych unrhyw awgrym arall

Prunus serotina Blodyn
Data ychwanegol
Dyddiad crëwyd
7 Maw 2022
Diwygiwyd diwethaf
9 Hyd 2023
Łódź, Łagiewniki Forest
Introduced to Poland at the end of XVIII century. Invasive plant! Ornamental plant. Edible plant - fruits raw or cooked in pies, jellies, stews, etc., they must be fully ripened for to avoid a bitter taste; seeds raw or cooked. Herbal plant - the bark of the root, trunk and branches is antitussive, astringent, pectoral, sedative, stomachic and tonic; a decoction of the inner bark has been used in the treatment of laryngitis; the root bark has been used as a wash on old sores and ulcers; fruits are astringent and has been used in the treatment of dysentery. Useful plant - a green dye can be obtained from the leaves; a dark grey to green dye can be obtained from the fruits; the reddish-brown wood is close and straight-grained, light, strong, rather hard, highly shock resistant. In Poland, it is sometimes planted in the undergrowth in pine forests and in mixed coniferous forests to enrich biodiversity and ameliorate soil conditions.