UsuarisGGerhard MüllerGerhard Müller
Poaceae, Cyperaceae & Juncaceae 🌾
In this group, all photos of plants belonging to the family Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae). They are fairly common plants, with a cosmopolitan distribution, but we don't really look for them. And some of them are not so easy to distinguish from others! That is why I would like this group to be a group of sharing, knowledge and mutual help.
♡ Nature lovers ♡
✨🌱 We can save plants! ✨🌱 We can share everything we want. Just all about plants🌱.
Flowers only ⚘🌻💐🌺 Everyone Welcome 💛
Hi friends! Flowers only please everyone welcome!!! Needs Members 💛. A group for everyone who loves nature and flowers! Thanks so much for being the person you are!
🥑 Seeds&Fruits 🥑
Many thanks to all for the wonderful collection of observations! Seeds and Fruits of the World Semoj kaj fruktoj de la mondo পৃথিবীর বীজ ও ফল Dünyanın tohumları ve meyveleri 世界的种子和果实 Mbegu na matunda ya ulimwengu Semillas y frutos del mundo Семена и плоды мира Graines et fruits du monde זאמען און פירות פון דער וועלט بذور وثمار العالم
ROSES ONLY 🌹 只供玫瑰使用
Can anyone describe the beauty of rose created by Mother Nature? Can anyone describe the scent of rose created by Mother Nature? Hardly!? But we can indulge in pleasure of contemplating beauty and variety of the Rose! Може ли някой да опише красотата на розата създадена от Майката Природа. Може ли някой да опише аромата на розата създадена от Майката Природа. Едва ли!? Но можем да се отдадем на удоволствието да съзерцаваме красотата и разнообразието на розата!
All the white flowers on earth 💮
Just share all the white flowers you find here. Everyone is welcome!
All the Red Flowers on earth ♥️🌹
Title says all. Everybody is welcome to share his discoveries :)
🥀🌍 La Terre 🌍🥀
Bonjour, 👋 la Terre 🌎 à de jolie fleurs 🌸 feuilles 🍃... Il faut la soutenir et pas loupé une seul plante dans le monde. 😓 Je comptes sur vous 👍 Ça sera notre défi de les plus sûr du monde 🌍 . Et le club et actif 🤙☘ Je vous insite à venir 🥺🥺 pour la Terre. Je vous attend avec impatience. 😊😶 Alerter go les 300 membres. 👈💯💯💯
Maya petite curieuse, Fleurs, Arbustes, etc.
Une préférence pour les roses et les orchidée, mais dans la nature il y a beaucoup de trésors que l'on peut bouturer ou simplement récupérer les graines. Une vraie passion.
Cottage Garden Plants
Plants used in informal, whimsical ways, including old-fashioned flowers, edibles, and herbs. Wild plants, native and invasive welcome. Feel free to include weeds and how to recognize and deal with them as well. Everyone welcome!
Only TREES from the World 🌴🌲🌳
Many thanks to all for the wonderful collection of tree observations! Worldwide collection of tree observations. Raccolta mondiale di osservazioni sugli alberi. Colección mundial de observaciones de árboles. Tutmonda kolekto de arbobservoj. Всемирная коллекция наблюдений за деревьями. Weltweite Sammlung von Baumbeobachtungen. Wêreldwye versameling van boomwaarnemings. مجموعة عالمية من ملاحظات الأشجار. 世界范围内的树木观察集合。 Koleksi pengamatan pohon di seluruh dunia. Dünya çapında ağaç gözlemleri koleksiyonu. Iqoqo lomhlaba wonke lokuqashelwa kwezihlahla. ਰੁੱਖਾਂ ਦੀ ਨਿਗਰਾਨੀ ਦਾ ਵਿਸ਼ਵਵਿਆਪੀ ਸੰਗ੍ਰਹਿ. Światowa kolekcja obserwacji drzew
Pflanzen und Bäume in Deutschland
Hier dürfen alle Beobachtungen aus Deutschland hinein. Es wäre schön wenn man den Ort oder wenigstens das Bundesland benennt.
Die coolen Blätter
Wir sind die coolen Pflanzen-finder
Naturheilkunde und Kräuterpädagogik : Hier ist jeder Herzlich willkommen der sich für Wildkräuter/Heilkräuter interessiert. Zeigt was ihr für eure Naturheilkundige Hausapotheke, für eure Küche als Gewürz oder zum Räuchern so sammelt. Ich würde mich sehr über viele Gruppenmitglieder freuen :-) Zeigt die Schätze eurer Kräuterwanderungen