Madagascar flora

This group is mainly about wild plants of Madagascar. Consequently, the area is limited to Madagascar and its nearest island. Publishing many observations about the same species is not a problem. The administrator can drop some of the observations unrelated to wild plants.

If possible take at least two pictures of the plant's organ. If not, the taken pictures must be an important feature that helps to identify the plant. The best is each observation contains at least a picture of a flower or a fruit. Currently, pictures from fern and moss are accepted. Photos should meet the following quality criteria: - well exposed and in uniform light - focus on the designated organ within the application - clear and sharp Thank you for your contribution!!

Private groupThis group provides a map of observations.This group only accepts observations within a given area.
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Private group
Only members can see the other members of the group and their observations.
To join this group, your membership application must be validated by a group administrator.